Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan

  • The Winona R-III School District is focused on continuing to maintain the health and safety of our staff and students during the COVID-19 pandemic.  The SRCSP plan will focus on implementing safe operations to ensure our students and staff health and safety.

  • Mask Wearing- Masks are strongly encouraged, but they are NOT mandatory.  If your child does not plan on wearing one all day, packing one in their school supplies is a good idea.  Sometimes with young students it is difficult to predict when someone will start feeling ill/coughing/running a fever, etc.  The district will continue to have disposable masks available for staff and students to use when necessary.  When Masks are worn they should be worn over the nose and mouth.

  • Physical Distancing- All efforts will be made to comply with social distancing recommendations.  Teachers will have seating charts, focusing on a 3 foot distance between desks, as well as forward facing.  Outdoor seating will be available for students to eat and have class when feasible.  Some classes will be allowed to take their food back to the classroom to eat if case numbers increase.  Seating charts will be made for bus transportation.  Students will sit one to a seat when possible, and will be asked to sit with their household family members in order to cut down exposure to others.

  • Handwashing and Respiratory Etiquette- Staff and Students will be encouraged to wash their hands often, with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.  Handwashing will be especially important

  • Before and after eating 

  • After using the restroom

  • After recess

  • When changing classrooms/stations

  • After coughing, sneezing, blowing nose

Students and staff should practice responsible respiratory etiquette also

  • Mouths should be covered when sneezing or coughing with a tissue, or the inside of your elbow

  • Used tissues should be disposed of immediately

  • Immediately wash your hands with soap and water/or use hand sanitizer if available

  • Cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities, including improving ventilation-All efforts will be made by staff and students to maintain sanitized facilities. 

    • Antibacterial wipes will be readily available in all classrooms, desk, doorknobs, and light switches will be wiped down daily. 

    • Doors and windows will be opened when possible to allow circulation of fresh air

    • Ionizing Foggers will be used sporadically to clean surfaces and kill airborne germs 

    • Hand sanitizer stations are located at building entrances, in the hallways, and in every classroom

    • Disinfectant will be used by janitors daily and nightly to clean hallways, classrooms, and bathrooms

    • Heavily trafficked areas will be cleaned multiple times a day

  • Contact tracing in combination with isolation and quarantine, in collaboration with the State, local, territorial, or Tribal health departments- Winona school administrators will continue to comply and work closely with the local and state health departments to ensure we are providing a healthy environment for students to learn.  Students who test positive for Covid 19 will not be able to return to seated classes until their quarantine has expired and they are fever free for 24 hours. Parents and caregivers will be encouraged to watch for symptoms, and seek medical advice if necessary.  Students who are deemed a close contact will be allowed to return to school at the discretion of their parents, as long as they remain fever and symptom free.

  • Diagnostic and screening testing-Students and staff who are seeking testing for COVID-19 will be referred to the Shannon County health center, or the Shannon County medical clinic

  • Efforts to provide vaccinations to educators, other staff, and students if eligible- Administrators will continue to work closely with the Shannon County Health center to provide dates and times of vaccinations.  Information will be relayed to staff and students (when eligible) Staff members will be given release time during the school day (if necessary) to receive their vaccine.

  • Appropriate accommodations for children with disabilities with respect to the health and safety policies.- Reasonable and necessary accommodations will continue to be made for any student with a disability, including those with or without an Individual Education Plan

  • The Winona District will continue to employ a full time counselor to provide social, emotional and mental health needs for students.  The district will provide resources to staff and students who seek outside assistance. 

  • Academic needs will continue to be addressed through benchmark testing, updated curriculum, and closely monitoring students throughout the school year.  Students transitioning back to in person learning will be offered high dosage tutoring from classroom teachers after school, and on weekends in order to maximize in-person instruction time.  Textbooks will be updated and will include online learning opportunities to assist quarantined students, and students who have missed critical in person learning.  Wifi hotspots are available in the campus parking lots, tablets will also be made available to meet the needs of students who do not have access to a device or the internet. In order to address equity and inclusivity students who are quarantined or are in the process of transitioning back to in person learning will be contacted by teachers via phone call/text messaging/emails/other learning platforms in order to provide additional guidance and support. 

  • The SRCSP Will be periodically evaluated and revised when necessary, no less than every 6 months.  In consultation with the following; students, families, administrators, teachers, representatives of students with disabilities.

  • The SRCSP will be made readily available in languages other than English upon request from patrons.  Requests can be made through the Elementary, Middle School, High School, and Central offices.

  • July 14, 2022